Source of Medicine

source of homeopathy medicine

Homeopathic medicines are derived from a diverse range of natural sources. Interestingly, over 75% of these remedies originate from the vegetable kingdom, including flowers, roots, leaves, and even juices.

Certain chemicals and minerals are also used in the preparation of specific homeopathic medicines. For instance, sulfuric acid and nitric acid are utilized. Additionally, various minerals and metals such as gold, silver, zinc, tin, and iron are employed as sources of medicinal remedies.

Microbes and bacteria also play a role in preparing a special group of medicines known as Nosodes. For example, the influenza virus and the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis are used to create these specialized remedies. Certain hormones, enzymes, and other biological materials are equally important sources of homeopathic medicines, undergoing a unique process of potentization.

The animal kingdom holds a significant place in the world of homeopathic pharmacy. Homeopathic medicines derived from animal sources are prepared using non-violent techniques. Certain insects, such as the Spanish fly (Apis Mellifica), and specific animal products like the venom of the Cobra snake (Naja), are utilized in a distinctive manner.

Preparation of Homeopathic Medicines:

The hallmark of homeopathic medicine preparation is a process called potentization, which utilizes minute quantities of the original drug substance.

A small portion of any substance, such as a drop of Surukuku snake venom, is mixed with 99 parts of alcohol or distilled water. This mixture is then vigorously shaken or succussed to create what is known as a 1c potency. From this mixture, one drop is taken and mixed with 99 drops of alcohol, undergoing the same vigorous strokes to create a 2c potency. This process is repeated to achieve higher potencies such as 30c, 200c, 1000c, and even higher dilutions.

How Homeopathy Works:

For over 200 years, homeopaths worldwide have consistently observed the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines, even in their smallest forms. Documented cases showcase the healing power of minimum doses, providing convincing evidence to anyone curious about the efficacy of homeopathy.


  • What are homeopathic medicines made from?
    Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural sources, primarily the vegetable kingdom (75%), but also including minerals, metals, microbes, and animal products.
  • How are homeopathic medicines prepared?
    Through a process called potentization, where a small quantity of the substance is diluted and vigorously shaken.
  • What is potentization?
    Potentization is a unique method of drug preparation in homeopathy that utilizes minute quantities of the original substance and dilutes it with alcohol or distilled water.
  • How do homeopathic medicines work?
    Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body's natural healing response, addressing the root cause of the issue rather than just suppressing symptoms.
  • Are homeopathic medicines effective?
    Yes, homeopathic medicines have been effectively used by practitioners worldwide for over 200 years, with documented cases showcasing their healing power.
  • Are homeopathic medicines safe?
    Yes, homeopathic medicines are generally considered safe due to their highly diluted nature, making them non-toxic and suitable for all ages.
  • Can homeopathic medicines be used alongside conventional treatments?
    Homeopathic medicines can be used complementarily with conventional treatments, but it is always advisable to consult a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.
  • Where can I buy homeopathic medicines?
    Homeopathic medicines are available at specialized homeopathic pharmacies, health food stores, and some online retailers.
source of homeopathy medicine source of homeopathy medicine